07AC91 GJR5252300R0101 High Availability Automation System

07AC91 GJR5252300R0101

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


07AC91 GJR5252300R0101 High Availability Automation System

07AC91 GJR5252300R0101 Connects distributed I/O ET 200 systems with connected sensors/actuators and field/process devices to PROFIBUS DP/PA via the PROFIBUS DP interface Two Ethernet interfaces 10/1000/1000 Mbit/s ( RJ45) are integrated in the SIMATIC PCS 7 AS RTX for factory bus communication with SIMATIC PCS 7 subsystems (e.g. operator systems, engineering systems or maintenance stations).

07AC91 GJR5252300R0101 are SIMATIC S7 400 controller-based automation systems. They can be used as SIMATIC PCS 7 automation systems thanks to their modular and fanless construction, high scalability, robustness, long-term availability, extensive communication options, integrated system functions and easy connection to centralized or distributed I/O devices.

07AC91 GJR5252300R0101 automation systems are characterized by their high degree of versatility. They are scalable and available in a wide range of safety and availability situations – from relatively inexpensive standard solutions for small and medium-sized plants to redundant systems for large production plants. Depending on the size of the application, the right controller can be selected from a range of controllers based on performance, number structure and communication ports.