07KR51 1SBP260011R1001 Structured programming languages

07KR51 1SBP260011R1001

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07KR51 1SBP260011R1001 Structured programming languages

07KR51 1SBP260011R1001 A structured statement description programming language is often used to describe the relationships of variables in a control system. It is also used for programming and configuration of centralised control systems. Structured statement description programming language uses computer descriptive statements to describe various arithmetic relationships between various variables in the system to complete the desired function or operation. Most manufacturers use statement description programming language and basic language, pascal language or c language and other high-level language is similar, but for the convenience of application, in the expression of the statement and the type of statement and so on are simplified.

The manufacturer of 07KR51 1SBP260011R1001 provides the user with a simple structured programming language, which is similar to the mnemonic programming language, with some limitations on the number of program steps, and at the same time, provides a way to prepare the interface or communication connection program between the plc, which provides the user with room for expansion of the application. In the preparation of plc control programming, in addition to the list of i/o addresses, it is sometimes necessary to list the intermediate relays (m), timers (t), counters (c) and memory units (v) used in the programme, as well as the roles or functions they have, in order to write and read the programme.

07KR51 1SBP260011R1001 has the following characteristics:

(1) the use of high-level language for programming, can complete the more complex control operations;.

(2) It requires certain knowledge of high-level computer programming languages and programming skills, and requires higher skills of programmers, which cannot be completed by ordinary electricians; and

(3) Poor performance in terms of intuitiveness and ease of operation; and

(4) It is often used for the implementation of some control functions that are more difficult to achieve using other languages such as function modules.