086318-002 086318-501 Pin Connectors

086318-002 086318-501

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Xiamen Xiongba E-commerce Co., Ltd

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Contact: Simon Zhang

Website: https://www.dcsplcsystem.com

Address: Unit 2008, Chuangxiang Center, No. 1733, Luling Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


086318-002 086318-501 Pin Connectors

086318-002 086318-501 pioneered the standard specification, but it was not all smooth sailing for these ISA/PCI-based ETX designs with 400-pin connectors. Many corporate and competing module concepts began to demand similar solutions from OEMs, most of whose names are recalled today only by die-hard fans. Although the size of embedded computer vendors was far removed from today’s, there was fierce competition.

086318-002 086318-501 In November 2001, they co-founded the ETX Industrial Group (ETX-IG), which introduced the first open, manufacturer-independent specification for module standards, a version of which is still in effect today. 086318-002 086318-501 At the time, Mühlbauer explained: “Examples include Mühlbauer explained at the time: “Advantech, I-base, IBR and PCISystems, for example, all developed different ETX motherboards that quickly reached market maturity.

In order to ensure the uniform development of ETX standards worldwide, 086318-002 086318-501 create an open ETX consortium.” Within a few months, other important ETX proponents experienced the superior benefits of an open standard and joined the consortium. Subsequently, ETX-IG became more and more significant through mergers and acquisitions, and the number of modules of different design types dwindled. Eventually, differences in module design almost completely disappeared. As a result, the embedded computer module industry successfully developed new standard specifications in the next technology cycle, avoiding excessive competition and cross-pollination.