1C31227G01 Industrial Control Application Software


Technical Parameters:

  • User defined tag-based programming for descriptive I/O naming
  • Simple-to-use instructions and Easy math to eliminate complex ladder logic rungs
  • Application tools for quick access to setup, programming, debugging and PAC control
  • Task Manager for quick and easy prioritization of Ladder Logic code
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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


1C31227G01 Industrial Control Application Software

1C31227G01 single well metering should choose automatic metering is completed, the operator in the metering control table click on the required metering well button, after confirmation of the host computer to send commands, SunyPLC250 automatic will automatically metering of the well. Measurement, first switch its three-way valve to the measurement position, to the separator into the liquid, when the liquid level reaches the measurement of the lower limit began to time, when the liquid level rises further, reaching the measurement of the upper limit, the measurement of the time is noted, and then open the drain valve, close the separator gas outlet valve, begin to drain the liquid, the three-way valve to switch to the production position of the measurement of the completion of the three-way valve.

The operation and management of 1C31227G01 is mainly through the SunyTech industrial control application software to achieve the human-machine interface function. By monitoring the working condition of the metering station, the operator can monitor the whole process of automatic metering and control which well participates in automatic metering, as well as designate a single well to carry out designated metering, etc. The HMI screen includes the general view of the metering station, the selection of automatic metering, and the designation of single-well metering. The metering station overview screen is used to monitor the real-time operation of the metering station (as shown in the figure below), the automatic metering screen is used to select and set the well number to participate in automatic metering, and the single-well metering screen is used to set the single well to be designated for metering. The system also generates a daily report of the metering data of the metering station based on the daily metering situation.

As a server, i.e., for access by remote computers (clients), the 1C31227G01 does not require any communication programmes to be written. Therefore, all channels are configured as servers and “accept all connection requests”, meaning that the IP address of the remote client does not need to be specified. Otherwise, you need to specify the IP address of the remote machine to be accessed. Pay special attention to the “Local Properties TSAP 10.01” of each connection channel. The port number is different for each connection channel, because some host software requires this port number for communication.