5SHX2645L0004 3BHB003154R0101 5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 Capacitor Sorting Machine

5SHX2645L0004 3BHB003154R0101 5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104

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5SHX2645L0004 3BHB003154R0101 5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 Capacitor Sorting Machine

5SHX2645L0004 3BHB003154R0101 5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 is one of the important equipments in the production process of film capacitors. It has the functions of insufficient capacity (C0) test, DC charge/discharge (dVIdt) test, DC withstand voltage test (DCTV), insulation resistance (IR) test, loss and capacitance capacity (DI&AC-D2) test and sorting. DC charge/discharge (dV/dt) test is an important test.

5SHX2645L0004 3BHB003154R0101 5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 The main function of the test is to reject those capacitors whose insulation strength is significantly reduced due to obvious defects in raw materials and processes.A404k According to the analysis of the faulty capacitors, most of the reduction in insulation strength is due to the capacitor being punctured. Capacitor breakdown is the capacitor in the working process due to the destruction of the dielectric or insulator and lead to a short circuit phenomenon.

5SHX2645L0004 3BHB003154R0101 5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 Dielectric breakdown is mainly categorized into the following 3 situations:
(1) electrical breakdown: the voltage added to the dielectric microstructure of the dielectric has been damaged, resulting in a large conduction current and short-circuit at both poles.
(2) thermal breakdown: the dielectric in the long-term work of the heat generated by more than the heat dissipated, so that the thermal collapse of the dielectric, occurring in the high-frequency, high-voltage.
(3) aging breakdown: dielectric in the electric field for a long time as well as external factors prompted by aging, the phenomenon of significant decline in electrical properties. In the production plant mainly for the first two kinds of breakdown test. Therefore, the DC charge and discharge test device is mainly composed of three parts: DC high-voltage generation circuit, frequency generation and logic control interface circuit, charge and discharge switch circuit.