5SHX2645L0004 3BHL000389P0104 Isolation Transformer

5SHX2645L0004 3BHL000389P0104

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5SHX2645L0004 3BHL000389P0104 Isolation Transformer

5SHX2645L0004 3BHL000389P0104 is one of the most efficient ways, but most companies have expensive PLC development software packages, and the method is not easy to debug on-site, and is mainly used for medium and high-grade PLC system hardware configuration and software programming. PLC control system design, including hardware design and software design. Hardware design is a vital part of the PLC control system, which is related to the reliability, safety and stability of the PLC control system operation. It mainly includes two parts: input and output circuits.

5SHX2645L0004 3BHL000389P0104 control system input circuit design. PLC power supply is generally AC85-240V, adapt to a wide range of power supply, but in order to anti-interference, the power supply should be installed to purify the components (such as power filters, 1:1 isolation transformer, etc.); isolation transformer can also be used to double-isolated Technology, that is, the transformer’s primary and secondary coil shielding and primary electrical neutral point connected to the earth, the secondary coil shielding connected to the PLC input circuit of the ground, in order to reduce the high and low frequency pulse interference.

5SHX2645L0004 3BHL000389P0104 input circuit power supply should generally be used DC 24V, at the same time when the load should pay attention to the capacity, and make good anti-short-circuit measures, which is essential to the system power supply safety and PLC safety, because the power supply overload or short-circuit will affect the operation of the PLC, the general selection of the power supply capacity for the power of the input circuit is twice the power. PLC input circuit power supply branch with appropriate fuses to prevent short-circuit.