CC12403 1021621 Monitoring System Network

CC12403 1021621

Technical Parameters:

  • CPU with 7 communication ports and LCD display
  • Serial ports for master/slave or custom device connections
  • USB local I/O expansion, Ethernet remote I/O
  • Plenty of discrete and analog I/O modules, display on analog modules
  • Easy drive integration
Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


CC12403 1021621 Monitoring System Network

CC12403 1021621 The response time of the monitoring system is less than 10s from the occurrence of a fault event to the reflection of the time interval to the manned monitoring level, and it can respond to multiple events and multi-point simultaneous alarms. The hardware and software of the system should adopt modular structure with maximum flexibility to adapt to the needs of monitoring system networks of different sizes and different numbers of monitoring objects (monitored devices). The monitoring system does not affect the normal work of the monitoring object and does not change the original function of the intelligent equipment (equipment with internal automatic control function).

The CC12403 1021621 generates chip select or high address signals and uses these signals to page the memory, but will cause inconvenience to the programming when jumping between pages. For CPUs that do not have internal memory and use unified addressing, such as the 80C196KC20 [1], such page switching will cause the CPU to be unable to continue executing the current program and generate an error (see Figure 1). After the CPU performs the page switch operation, it should continue to execute the instruction on page 1, but it incorrectly executes the corresponding instruction on page 2, which is not the desired result. Therefore, finding an effective memory expansion method is an urgent problem in practical applications.

In the use of CC12403 1021621 series microcontrollers, it was found that 64K bytes of storage space for storing programmes can meet most of the needs (usually less than 10K bytes of the user’s application programme), but if it is used for data storage and control, it will bring about a serious shortage of storage space. Statistical analyses of actual applications have shown that in many cases, access to data is limited to sequential operations.

The CC12403 1021621 takes advantage of this feature to simplify the design of the data storage space, specifically to save address space by performing bulk data access through sequential reads or sequential writes to the same address. In 16-bit CPUs, any section of 64K words (2 to the 16th power) of storage space can be mapped to two addresses (one as the location of the read, one as the location of the write), using this mapping method can be extended to a maximum of 2G words of memory (2 to the 31st power), but such a design at the same time also brings a lot of difficulties in logic control.