CMA132 3DDE300412 Specific Functional Basic Units

CMA132 3DDE300412

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CMA132 3DDE300412 Specific Functional Basic Units

CMA132 3DDE300412 is a kind of standardised and combined design, which is not for a specific product, but for a certain kind of product system or even adjacent product systems with similar functions, which does not need to apply individual design to each product, but carefully designs a variety of modules, and combines diversified products in an ingenious, flexible and versatile way.

CMA132 3DDE300412 has developed a CAD system for combined machine tools that supports modular design. By applying CAD technology and modular design methodology to the design of multi-axis boxes for combined machine tools, it can not only shorten the design and manufacturing cycle of multi-axis boxes and reduce costs, but also help to ensure the quality of the multi-axis boxes and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

CMA132 3DDE300412 is a product, natural object or its mixture, with a specific function of the basic unit, which has the characteristics of standardisation, serialisation, interchangeability and so on. Modular design is based on the functional analysis of a certain range of different functions or the same function of different performance, different specifications of the product, divided and designed a series of functional modules, through the selection and combination of modules can be composed of different products to meet market demand.