DI93a HESG440355R3 Wireless Module

DI93a HESG440355R3

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DI93a HESG440355R3 Wireless Module

DI93a HESG440355R3 quoted wireless module control products, not only to solve the wire consumption installation and maintenance troubles, wireless modules in industrial automation specific projects in the service life than the wire control to use longer, and not easy to damage, and its stability is more to reduce the expenditure of the replacement. Shenzhen Dawei Zhitong technology independent research and development production of wireless modules, after years of application in the field of industrial automation, wireless modules, stable and reliable application, wireless transmission distance, anti-interference strong

DI93a HESG440355R3 wireless module to do wireless control, in many cases can be a single person to accurately achieve all the operation of industrial automation equipment operation of the action. Multiple people sometimes poorly coordinated movement, not only a waste of manpower, but also cause inefficiency, error operation is likely to lead to a high rate of defective products. Since many users use industrial automation wireless module to avoid these problems. Further, the use of wireless modules in automated production can be programmed to ensure the accuracy of the operation, even if the wireless module due to communication problems, but also automatic interlocking to ensure that the production process has the error of the independent pause as well as the alarm, the use of wireless modules not only to reduce the cost of manpower, reduce the cost of materials to improve the quality of the product productivity, and more to ensure the safety of production.

Applications for the DI93a HESG440355R3 include electric vehicles, automotive, aerospace, energy storage and electric aircraft. The new modules occupy only one PXI slot and are available with 2, 4 or 6 battery cells per module. The cells are fully isolated from each other and from ground, making it easy to connect them in series to simulate batteries in stacked configurations. 750V isolation barriers allow the modules to simulate low-power battery packs typically used for vehicle propulsion. Battery charging is simulated up to 100mA.