EMERSON 5X00062G01 Automatic Control System Software


Adopts high-performance industrial-grade processor

Adopt high-performance industrial-grade wireless module

4G full network communication (Unicom, Telecom, Mobile)

Support low power consumption mode

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


EMERSON 5X00062G01 Automatic Control System Software

5X00062G01 operation station is located in the central control room, with more advanced equipment and friendly human-machine interface to provide real-time data of the production process and the management of historical data, the host computer accepts the field alarm signal and operation status signal and operation status signal collected from the PLC system of the field station, and it has the functions of displaying the screen, printing the report, displaying the historical data and the trend graph, etc. Alarm functions also include Alarm function also includes sound and alarm point alarm, alarm confirmation and elimination. Through the above real-time control and display, centralised operation, centralised monitoring and centralised management of the production process can be achieved.

5X00062G01 Although the PLC system from the beginning of the birth and continuous development to date, the design has taken into account the industrial production site of the harsher working environment, has a strong anti-interference ability, but the work site conditions are ever-changing, with the frequency converter, DC governor and other power electronic equipment is widely used, a variety of sources of interference is more and more endless, for example, the PLC system of the field control station is the And the site of the various motor startup control cabinets, frequency control cabinets, etc. arranged together in the production site electrical control room, that is, in the motor and electric power circuits and electrical equipment formed by the harsh electromagnetic environment, the signal interference problem is inevitable.

5X00062G01 for the electrical system, effective low resistance grounding connection can reduce the occurrence of short-circuit or system failure when the risk of electric shock, but also can make the system generated by the interference current through the grounding conductor or grounding elimination, greatly reducing the impact of electromagnetic interference on the system or the emission of interference signals. Therefore, an effective and perfect grounding system is one of the important measures for PLC control system anti-electromagnetic interference. We will be the field PLC system control station grounding relative to the neighbouring motor startup control cabinet frequency control cabinet, etc. to take a separate grounding: with a large cross-section 70 mm2 copper core insulated cable connected to the field station PLC device cabinet ground terminal, and then connected directly to the grounding electrode, grounding electrode made of 80 mm × 50 mm × 6 mm copper plate. After testing the grounding resistance of the grounding electrode is less than l Ω, the grounding electrode buried in the electrical control room from the building 10 m ~ 15 m away, and the PLC system grounding point and the proximity of the strong electrical equipment grounding point more than 10 m apart.