GE PMC-0247RC-282000 350-93750247-282000F Isolation Transmitters
The GE PMC-0247RC-282000 350-93750247-282000F Series has a high power density, which makes it ideal for automated test equipment system integration. Multiple voltage and current combinations and 1U and 2U heights allow for multiple voltage outputs in a small footprint. A variety of control methods make this series easy to integrate into conventional as well as high-speed systems.
GE PMC-0247RC-282000 350-93750247-282000F Battery charging requires high precision voltage and stable current output for fast bulk and absorption phase charging, and high precision and stable voltage for float charging to avoid battery “inflation”.DCS Series DCS series has high precision output voltage to optimise battery charging. A remote interface option makes it easy to automate the charging process on a batch production line.
GE PMC-0247RC-282000 350-93750247-282000F is a transmitter that isolates a sensor signal (4-20mA/0-20mA/0-10mA) and then outputs a proportional current signal (4-20mA/0-20mA/0-10mA). Input signal interference suppression filter circuit, signal modulation circuit, signal isolation circuit and output demodulation filter circuit are included inside the product. Wide creepage distances on the input and output sides and internal isolation measures make it possible to achieve an isolation voltage of 3KVAC between the signal input and signal output.