Micro Innovation GF1-10TVD-100 Light Curtain Controller


Technical Parameters:

  • User defined tag-based programming for descriptive I/O naming
  • Simple-to-use instructions and Easy math to eliminate complex ladder logic rungs
  • Application tools for quick access to setup, programming, debugging and PAC control
  • Task Manager for quick and easy prioritization of Ladder Logic code
Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


GF1-10TVD-100 Light Curtain Controller

The GF1-10TVD-100 module is a web application that provides users with access to company data and analyses at any time, regardless of location. The online visualisation provides real-time information on the progress of processes. In this way, optimisation and organisational measures can be initiated while the process is still in progress. the modular structure of the GF1-10TVD-100 allows it to be used for a wide variety of applications. All parties involved in the production process are forced to “recognise” that the visualisation of the GF1-10TVD-100 plays an important role here. Unlike KPI analyses at the end of a production process, which only tell you whether the process is working or not, online visualisation provides real-time information on the progress of the process.

The GF1-10TVD-100 provides the basic data for determining meaningful KPIs. They greatly simplify the location of bottlenecks and negative factors in production processes, thus enabling users to initiate specific optimisation actions and monitor their effectiveness. kPI analysis is becoming increasingly important in the production industry. Organisational and business strategies such as Lean Manufacturing and Improvement pursue the fundamental goals of eliminating all forms of waste, achieving customer satisfaction and delivering the highest quality products.