PP885 3BSE069276R1 Bidirectional Thyristor Modules

PP885 3BSE069276R1

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PP885 3BSE069276R1 Bidirectional Thyristor Modules

PP885 3BSE069276R1 the relay output module contact working voltage range is wide, the on-state voltage drop is small, compared with the transistor type and bi-directional thyristor type module, the ability to withstand transient over-voltage and over-current is stronger, but the action speed is slower.

PP885 3BSE069276R1 system output changes are not very frequent, the general choice of relay-type output modules. PLc output module within the small relay contacts are very small, arc-breaking capacity is very poor, can not be used directly in the power station DC220v circuit, you must use the PLc to drive the external relay, the contacts of the external relay to drive the DC220v load.

PP885 3BSE069276R1 Disconnecting a DC circuit requires larger relay contacts, and switching on the same DC circuit can be done with smaller contacts. When choosing an external relay, you should carefully analyze whether the PLc is used to control the connection or disconnection of the external circuit.