RF522 3BSE000743R1 Thyristor Devices

RF522 3BSE000743R1

Input type:switching input
Low level: input<1V
High level: input 4-30V
Input Resistance:3KΩ
Power Loss: less than 0.5W
Operating Temperature: – 45 ~ +80 ‚ÑÉ
Humidity: 10 ~ 90% (no condensation)

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


RF522 3BSE000743R1 ABB Analog Output Board 8 Channels

Let’s say you have been using a product for almost 15 years. This is not to say that the program will suddenly fail, that’s an entirely different theory and depends entirely on how the programmer has written the code.PLC code, once written, operates in the same way for the rest of its life.

The problem starts with the hardware and support. If a PC manufacturer’s product is unstable or has a lot of limitations in programming, it tends to stay in production for a long time.

The sooner PLCs start to become obsolete, the fewer their replacements will be. Even the system integrator or the PLC manufacturer itself will not be able to provide technical support because the personnel will be transferred to a new brand or their programming cables will no longer be available.

In this case, if the PC system suddenly fails for some reason, you have no choice but to wait for a longer downtime. In addition, if you were able to obtain this PLC elsewhere, the cost would be prohibitively high and out of budget.

Due to the current supply chain disruptions and the recent lack of new industrial automation solutions and components, it is impossible to accurately estimate how long it will take to produce a new machine. In this case, you will have two choices: either migrate to another brand or upgrade your existing version to a newer firmware CPU or program.

Migration and upgrades therefore play an important role in industrial automation. In addition, new solutions bring more new features.

Core Parameters

Processor: 32-bit, clock frequency: 72MHZ

Memory: 64KB flash memory, 20KB random access memory

Power supply: DC 24V

Communication: Modbus RTU(2.4k/4.8k/9.6k/19.2k)

BACnet MSTP (9.6k/19.2k/38.4k/76.8k)

Digital input: Supports dry contact input

Digital output: Supports dry contact output