SCXI-1125 Redundant Controller


Technical Parameters

D2-04TD1 – 4 pt. 12-24 VDC current sinking output module, 1 common (4 common terminals),4.0A/point, 8.0A/module, fused per point (non-replaceable), removable terminal

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


SCXI-1125 Redundant Controller

The SCXI-1125 controller can pass the HART protocol from smart zone devices to computers running equipment asset management software, allowing remote maintenance and calibration. HART protocol data and diagnostics can also be used directly in the control application, reducing commissioning time, downtime and the cost of maintenance processes.

The utility of the SCXI-1125 application is improved while controller redundancy and redundant controllers are housed in the same chassis. The redundant controllers operate in parallel, checking status several times throughout the operating cycle, allowing the backup controller to continuously monitor the status of the primary controller, thus ensuring a quick and trouble-free switchover if necessary.

The SCXI-1125 redundant controller is also capable of online firmware upgrades. Network redundancy helps ensure stable and consistent communications. The controller has two high-speed Ethernet ports that utilize fault-tolerant Ethernet redundant communications. Each port can be connected to a separate LAN and is constantly monitored for integrity. If the primary port detects a network failure, traffic is switched to the other LAN to keep communications open.