TB852 3BSC950263R1 Efficient Cyclic Transmission

TB852 3BSC950263R1

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TB852 3BSC950263R1 Efficient Cyclic Transmission

TB852 3BSC950263R1 series is a 433MHz application-free band, 100mW and 1W, high stability, industrial-grade wireless digital radio. The core of Niu Mo block adopts SX1278 main chip, LORA spread spectrum transmission, RS232/485 serial port transparent transmission. The working frequency of the product is 410MHz~441MHz, total 32 channels, the interval between channels is 1M.

TB852 3BSC950263R1 adopts highly efficient circular interleaving error correction coding algorithm, which has high coding efficiency, strong error correction capability, and can actively correct the interfered data packets under the clear condition of sudden interference, with a maximum continuous error correction of 64bit, which greatly improves the radio’s anti-jamming and transmission distance, and makes the spade block have a farther communication distance through the use of LORA spread spectrum technology.

TB852 3BSC950263R1 module in the air transmission of the underlying data using our unique encryption algorithms, each packet of data with randomness, so that other companies of the wireless module intercepted data meaningless. The module also reserves 65536 user-defined transmission passwords (ciphertext), only the wireless block with matching passwords can receive the data, so as to achieve the encrypted transmission of user data.