UFC762AE101 3BHE006412R0101 Digital Scanning Module
UFC762AE101 3BHE006412R0101 embodies more thorough decentralisation, so that even the failure of any one front-end does not affect the normal operation of other front-ends. Flexibility in field installation enables installation with sensors and actuators in close proximity, saving wiring and the number of IO points on the PLC itself. High-speed data transmission is provided for reliable communication between the controller CPU and the I/O system. The field level is thoroughly decentralised, while safety barriers, isolators, I/O modules, field cables and terminals are significantly reduced, so the Distributed Remote IO Module greatly improves its maintenance performance.
UFC762AE101 3BHE006412R0101 The I/O points of the system are about 120, and the DI and DO points are basically equal. In order to solve the above problems, we adopt the 214 CPU module of Siemens S7-200PLC, and the rest of the I/O modules and the AI module used for the water content detection are adopted in the UN200 series of EVERWEAR, and the batching metering is realised by PLY600, a digital quantity module of 8DI/8DO as the keyboard scanning module to collect the manual operation signals developed by Shandong Boshuo itself. Shandong Boshuo own research and development of the batching control instrument PLY600 to achieve. UN200 module, but also used 8DI/8DO digital module as a keyboard scanning module to capture the signals of manual operation.
UFC762AE101 3BHE006412R0101 is very strict on the control system’s resistance to dust and other aspects. Previously, we realised that most of the use of Siemens S7-300 PLC, the overall cost of the system is high, many users reflect, hoping to reduce the price, but finally accept the high price, contact with the module of the EVERYWEAR, we have tested, decided to use the UN-300 series of modules instead of the corresponding AI, DI, DO module: UFC762AE101 3BHE006412R0101 module greatly improves the production efficiency and economic benefits on the production line of building materials.