UNITROL 1020 UNSO119A-ZV1 3BHE030579R000 Real-Time Acquisition Modules

UNITROL 1020 UNSO119A-ZV1 3BHE030579R000

◆ Adopting GFSK modulation mode, reliable transmission distance up to 2000m from line-of-sight;
◆ Carrier frequency 490MHz, metered band;
◆ Provide 8 channels;
◆ Interface/channel rate: 1200/2400/4800/9600bps

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Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


UNITROL 1020 UNSO119A-ZV1 3BHE030579R000 Real-Time Acquisition Modules

UNITROL 1020 UNSO119A-ZV1 3BHE030579R000 Systems that monitor and control machine operation require real-time acquisition of data from analog or digital I/O channels to enable effective detection of fault conditions. Complex tasks such as real-time order tracking and vibration analysis may be required to effectively detect machine conditions. However, these applications can be analyzed in real time using the efficient platform of the PAC.

The UNITROL 1020 UNSO119A-ZV1 3BHE030579R000 utilizes real-time data from inside the plant, allowing operators to make decisions based on the information obtained in the control room. However, it is difficult to equip a control system with the ability to output live data. Enterprise systems typically use standard ODBC, ADO and XML to obtain data from automation systems.