VMIPCI-5565-110000 Distributed Modules


Product Features
>> Input and output 3000VDC isolation
>> Wide power supply range: 8~32VDC
>> High reliability, easy programming, easy application
>> DIN35 rail mounting
>> Programmable module address and baud rate.

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


VMIPCI-5565-110000 Distributed Modules

VMIPCI-5565-110000 integrates high performance embedded technology. Based on the high-speed backplane bus system architecture, it inherits TWUNCOM’s rich experience in the field of industrial automation and the proprietary technology resources of the dedicated controller series, and perfectly realizes the complex process control and motion control. By integrating the four types of automation control, namely sequence, process, information and motion, into the same system, the highly reliable software and hardware real-time system accomplishes real-time control and complex control functions, and provides open communication interface and distributed module system architecture.

The VMIPCI-5565-110000 product consists of the FX3u-CPU, FX-20GM (X-axis and Y-axis), and two FX-1PGs (Z-axis and U-axis), and can be used as a special function module or stand-alone. The FX3u-CPU can be used as a special function module or as a stand-alone unit, and supports most ladder instructions. The FX3u-CPU supports most ladder instructions and has a built-in PROM program memory and extended file register (R) memory. When used as a special function module, it occupies only 8 I/O points (1 unit number).

The VMIPCI-5565-110000’s connected path capability enables the integration of scattered synchronous instructions in a program into a continuous path and allows the addition of downstream instructions between the continuous paths. 200,000 Hz maximum pulse speed for the Z-axis and U-axis. secure user program protection (must be set by special software). When used as a special function module, it can be set to FX2n or FX3u mode by software.