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Xiamen Xiongba E-commerce Co., Ltd

Mobile/ WeChat/ WhatsApp:+86-133 6590 9307

E-mail: geabbamy@gmail.com

Contact: Simon Zhang

Website: https://www.dcsplcsystem.com

Address: Unit 2008, Chuangxiang Center, No. 1733, Luling Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307



The DPU configuration software of WATLOW ANAFAZE CLS208 system adopts the paged configuration mode, which minimizes the impact of online configuration, modification and download on the safe operation of the system. The default configuration mode of the configuration software is online configuration, under which the configuration software obtains the most configuration functions (relative to the offline configuration mode).

 Under the online configuration mode of WATLOW ANAFAZE CLS208, the DPU configuration software establishes point-to-point communication connection with the target DPU on the NT6000 network. After the communication connection is automatically established with the target DPU, the configuration software can monitor the execution of the configuration pages in the DPU online, and can also modify the single-page or multi-page configuration logic.

The modified configuration page of WATLOW ANAFAZE CLS208 can be directly down loaded into the target DPU, overwriting the original logic page. The new logic page takes effect within one DPU execution cycle. When the modified configuration page overwrites the original configuration page in the DPU, it only takes effect on the modified configuration or module parameters in the page, and the logic configuration and module without change still keep the status before the page overwriting and continue to execute.