ABB PFSA103D Communication Sending Buffer


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PFSA103D Communication Sending Buffer

The communication sending buffer in the PFSA103D program is D127 to D149; the receiving buffer is D150 to D160. Motor 1 start and stop are controlled by the rising and falling edges of X0; motor 2 start and stop are controlled by the rising and falling edges of X1; motor 3 start and stop are controlled by the rising and falling edges of X2. The program is initialized by the system start pulse M8002 to initialize the communication protocol of FX0N-485ADP; then the start and stop signals are processed.

The rising edge M50 of PFSA103D is absorbed, the station number of inverter 1 is sent to D130, the run command word is sent to D135, ENQ, the control word for writing run command and waiting time are written to D131, D132 and D133 by the programmer beforehand; then the checksum is sought and sent to D136 and D137; finally, the M8122 is set to allow the RS command to send control information to. The inverter is signaled to return immediately to the answer message, this information FX0N-485ADP received after setting M8132, the PLC according to the situation to make the appropriate processing after the end of the program.