CI871AK01 3BSE092693R1 Electrical Automatic Control Computer

CI871AK01 3BSE092693R1

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CI871AK01 3BSE092693R1 Electrical Automatic Control Computer

CI871AK01 3BSE092693R1 Methods to reduce the number of output points required are loads with identical on/off states, which can be connected in parallel to the same output termination point if the power of the PLC’s output point permits, i.e., one output termination point with multiple loads. When there are m BCD code display PLC data, you can make the BCD display in parallel to occupy four output endpoints, that is, an output point with multiple loads.

CI871AK01 3BSE092693R1 Appliances with simple control logic that do not participate in a duty cycle, or that must be started before a duty cycle begins, can be controlled without a PLC. Through the combination of software and hardware can design a variety of input / output point control program, introduced here only to play the role of a brick to attract jade. It is hoped that the participants will continue to explore and accumulate more valuable experience in practical work.

CI871AK01 3BSE092693R1 of large rolls of hydraulic drive dyeing machine made by the Portuguese company Nofil, a single value of more than one million yuan; for small batches, multiple varieties of flat fabrics at room temperature and normal pressure, flat back boiling and bleaching, dip dyeing, rinsing, release, stripping and other production processes. Textile printing and dyeing enterprises above the scale of indispensable technical equipment. A number of domestic printing and dyeing enterprises have the model; electrical automatic control computer part of the original Italian Termoelectronica company produced Z8 monolithic special controllers (the current manufacturer is no longer in production); set control, display, parameter setting in one!